Donate to Gracious Services Cares
A 501c3 nonprofit supporting the needs of Special Needs Adults in Union, Somerset, Essex and throughout NJ
What is Gracious Services Cares?

Gracious Services staffer, Danahisha and Margaret mug for the cameras.
Gracious Services Cares was founded and registered as a 501c3 nonprofit in 2023 because the staff and leadership at Gracious Services, Inc. found that funding for their special needs adult clients did not always cover needs.
Gracious Services, Inc. is a provider agency in New Jersey specializing in aiding individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our team works with special needs adults one-on-one and in group settings on a daily basis whether through daily habilitation, recreation, classes or therapy. We develop close relationships with clients, and they feel like part of our family. Because of our close knit work, we notice things like winter coats with holes in them, or shoes with the soles coming off. And when everyone is excited to attend an event, but some can't afford the cost, we do not like to leave anyone out.
Traditionally we have absorbed these expenses because it is the right thing to do. However, as we grow our service model and clientele, we know we could use some help in this area. We love our clients and ensuring they live their best lives, but often government stipends and tight family/caregiver budgets are unable to provide for everything an adult with special needs requires.
You can help! A donation of any kind is appreciated, whether it is monetary, goods, or services. We appreciate your support.
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