Weekend Care & Classes

Custom Special Needs Adult Services in Union, Somerset, Essex and throughout NJ

Weekends Full of Fun & Learning for Special Needs Adults

Whether there is a need for a little respite care, time to improve and grow skills after a busy week, or just a desire to have fun with other friends with special needs, Gracious Services can provide a few hours of care, special class offerings, exciting opportunities to explore NJ, or a full day of activities.  Meals and transportation are available as well.

Provide your ISP or Support Coordinator's Name, Organization, Phone and Email to enroll quickly.

Saturday Special Needs Adult Classes Spice Up Life


Saturday Cooking Class

This three-hour class changes each week to provide a variety of skills as well as introduce different types of cooking and cuisine. Nutrition, prep and clean up are incorporated as well. From no heat cooking to French pastry, we engage the novice to the more seasoned chef.  Tailored classes always include taste tests!


Saturday Art Class

This two-hour class covers a variety of arts and crafts each week led by talented local artist, Danielle Corso.  Different medium, art techniques and topics are discussed, modelled and experimented with.  Enjoy socializing, working on fine motor skills and expressing emotion through art. Classes have included: tote bag crafting, ornament design, home decor, gifts, painting, ceramics and more.

Explore NJ with Gracious Services Weekend Day Trips for Special Needs Adults

New Jersey has tons to see and explore. Gracious Services wants your special needs adult to see it all. Life is beautiful and everyone should have a chance to safely get out and enjoy it.

Specially trained staff provide guidance and support on outings, transportation is included and fees are kept low too ensure accessibility. Come play with us!

Most trips are weather reliant, so sign up now to be contacted for the next scheduled activity!

Get Started Fast on Adding in Fun to a Special Needs Adult's Life

Setting up recreation, after care, weekend care and FUN for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities doesn’t have to be stressful. Gracious Services invites you to start our Perfect Match process to get started, discuss needs and move towards living the best life.

Provide your ISP or Support Coordinator's Name, Organization, Phone and Email to enroll quickly.